Parenting Consciously
Parenting Consciously
In this course, you'll have unlimited access to nearly 6 hours of video content from the live series and the accompanying workbooks.
Session 1: Transitioning Into Conscious Parenting
Session 2: Decolonize Your Parenting
Session 3: From Control and Coercion to Connection and Collaboration
Session 1: Transitioning Into Conscious Parenting
In this first session we will:
Discuss what conscious parenting is, how it compares to other parenting styles, and the benefits to you your family.
Discuss what it looks like in practical every day situations.
Discuss the challenges and how to work through them.
Practice and discuss Conscious Parenting responses through role play scenarios
Give you some concrete action steps that you can begin implementing now.
Session 2: Decolonize Your Parenting
In this session we will :
Talk about the true definition of discipline
Talk about child brain development and how it impacts their behavior
Discuss the impacts of punishment and physical discipline
Discuss how colonization and our respective cultures impact our parenting choices.
Discuss various ways to approach undesirable behavior using what we've learned.
Session 3: From Control and Coercion to Connection and Collaboration
In this final session we will:
Discuss the role control plays in our parenting
Discuss triggers and how to work through them
Evaluate our automated "no"response and explore the power of "yes"
Discuss forced respect
Look at parenting in action videos, and workshop scenarios from participants.